Table I; Composition of the Trunk Road Network by Surface Category (2018)

Surface Category Length (km) Percentage (%)
Cement Concrete 38.6 0.3
Asphaltic Concrete 2,567.80 16.7
Surface Dressed 6,011.00 39.1
Gravel 5,249.90 34.2
Sub Total (Surveyed) 13,867.30 90.3
Under Construction 1,005.70 6.5
Missing Link 487.00 3.2
Grand Total 15,360.00 100.0

Composition of the Trunk Road Network by Surface Category

pie_chart_2018.jpg Figure 1: Composition of the Trunk Road Network by Surface Category

For both Paved and Gravel roads surveyed, condition scores computed for homogeneous sections have been reported. The overall condition mix for 2018 stands as shown in Table II.

Table II; 2018 Road Surface Condition Mix (National)

Condition Description Length (km) Percentage (%)
GOOD 6,248.50 45
FAIR 5,558.20 40
POOR 2,060.60 15
TOTAL 13,867.30 100

Table III; 2018 Road Surface Condition Mix (Regional)

Region Good Fair Poor Total
km % km % km %
Ashanti 532.0 32% 706.8 43% 421.2 25% 1,660.0
Brong Ahafo 667.4 41% 704.6 42% 287.1 17% 1,669.1
Central 535.6 46% 591.9 51% 28.0 2% 1,155.5
Eastern 759.4 52% 495.6 34% 201.7 14% 1,456.7
Greater Accra 164.6 36% 257.1 56% 38.6 8% 460.4
Northern 1,610.7 55% 851.1 29% 454.8 16% 2,916.6
Upper East 142.7 26% 354.8 66% 41.2 8% 538.7
Upper West 495.6 50% 375.4 38% 123.9 12% 994.9
Volta 625.5 44% 554.3 39% 245.8 17% 1,425.5
Western 705.0 44% 666.6 42% 218.3 14% 1,589.9
Total 6,248.5 45% 5,558.2 40% 2,060.6 15% 13,867.3

The 2018 Road Condition Mix of 45% Good, 40% Fair and 15% Poor suggests the road condition has deteriorated significantly compared to the last two (2) year’s figures and lags far behind the projected target of 70% Good, 20% Fair and 10% Poor to be achieved by 2037, as contained in the GHA’s 20-Year Strategic Plan (2017 – 2037)

For supplementary information please refer to this table

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